Prime Time Re-Opening Plan

Prime Time Baseball is excited that we will be able to open back up again as NOVA rolls into Phase 1 of the Corona Virus. As you can imagine, things will look much different at Prime Time Baseball and we ask that you all bare with us during this crazy and challenging time. Our goal is to make sure we keep everyone safe and healthy as we transition back as well as getting everyone back into baseball shape.

If you have any questions or concerns during this process, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Lesson Protocols in Phase 1 at Prime Time Baseball starting May 29th:

  • All payments must be made via cash/check made out to Prime Time Baseball, venmo (primetimebaseball2310) or PayPal ( BEFORE your lesson or upon arrival of your lesson.
  • No parents will be allowed in Prime Time in order to keep numbers at 10 or less in order for us to stay in line with the State of Virginia guidelines.  
  • Players MUST enter through the front entrance (stairs) and wait to be met by their coach. Before entering the facility, players must have their temperature checked by our coaching staff.
  • Players will then have to use hand sanitizer before entering the cages. 
  • All players (and coaches) must have a mask on while in the facility. Players may take their mask off while performing baseball activities but must put it back on when they are done with the activity.
  • Players must bring their own water bottles and can not use the drinking fountain. 
  • When the lesson is done, players will exit the back door of the facility. 


Travel Team Practice Protocols in Phase 1 at Prime Time starting May 29th:

  • ARRIVE 5-10 MINUTES BEFORE YOUR SCHEDULED PRACTICE TIME. If you are late, you will not be allowed to enter as we have to perform the checks listed below before players can enter. 
  • No parents will be allowed in Prime Time in order to keep numbers at 10 or less in order for us to stay in line with the State of Virginia guidelines.  
  • Players MUST enter through the front entrance (stairs) and wait to be met by their coach. Before entering the facility, players must have their temperature checked by our coaching staff.
  • Players will then have to use hand sanitizer before entering the cages. 
  • All players (and coaches) must have a mask on while in the facility. Players may take their mask off while performing baseball activities but must put it back on when they are done with the activity.
  • Players must bring their own water bottles and can not use the drinking fountain. 
  • When the practice is done, players will exit the back door of the facility.